My Sumilao Night Sky

My Sumilao Night Sky
Or wherever I may be, you never fail to seduce me, Ms. Luna

Thursday, February 18, 2010

TB Entry 2: On Openness and Friends and Gender

For this tiny blog entry, I wanted to talk about how sometimes people of opposite genders vary significantly. This fact is very apparent in terms of physical and emotional capabilities of men and women.

My closest friends in college are guys and i really understood that as our friendship ages, i learned more and more that they are different in terms of personality and character (Read: How they get attracted or how they talk about the people they like). Boys seem to be physical and i now agree that girls are emotional.

While boys value physicality, girls on the other hand cherish moments of togetherness more than what meets the eye. But I don't claim that this is bad or that boys are better or girls for that matter. Simply, BOYS are different from GIRLS. no fuss whatsoever. they are just plain different.

I had my share of moments when my guy friends and I go out (this is a 5 vs. 1 scenario usually), discussions and topics about people we like usually (although there are exceptions to this) uhm, turns too physical. I am thankful for the few times when i get disturbed or awkward, one of these five friends blurts and says: Babae kase siya (She's a girl). Then they start to comprehend that i am not as sexual or physical as they are. :| Thus, i feel weird when they talk about porn sites or sex :(

But i still believe that in order to survive in this world a girl should:

Look like a girl
Act like a girl
Think like a man.

I got this from a text message. Although i don't want to think sexually the way my guy friends does (HAHAHA!!), i think that there are drawbacks to being emotional (Read: females).

Last Wednesday during a very important event in school, a close friend who hosted the thing mispronounced my name. I got so upset that he had apologize after and i just can't shake it off. But when he said "Let it go," ...voila! the Mantra Think like a man hit me.

What is it with us girls that we usually cling onto these things? It's so hard to get over trivial stuff like this and oftentimes, i just blame it on my hypothalamus. Gah. Ugh.

Poor hypothalamus. :(
I'm sorry. I'll try my best.

So petty.

And to myself: Let it go.

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