The revelation of the night didn't come from you directly. But it was still shocking in itself. There might be few misquotations and what not, but even the most generic sentence or phrase that you can get from that conversation was scary. Well at least for my part. :>
Be careful. I'm serious.
Your friend told me to be careful and to anticipate even more things to come.
Well I tell you, take it easy, no pressure and remember to breathe.
I think I can say that we have all the time in the world. I think we can make it. But let's take things easy so that we can enjoy even the trivial stuff.
Remember that there is no pressure. And I know that you'll understand. This is important, but so as our other priorities.
You make me realize a lot of things about myself, about my life and about the things that we can do, and that these things we can do even in a slow-paced manner.
Relax. Chill.

WE have ours.
Let us let it slip away with a memory for every second.